Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Last week we made little monsters with our Grade 3 Buddies - thank you Grade 3's!  We started with a toilet paper roll that our big buddies painted for us.  Then we added construction paper, eyes and pipecleaners to add features.  Here are some of the results. 

Thursday, 16 October 2014


Today we read the story ONE.  We talked about practising acceptance.  Everyone counts and everyone matters.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Welcome Families!

We welcome our new students and their families and THANK YOU for looking at our blog.  We look forward to sharing the year in our classroom with you.  We will try to blog often to give you snapshots of our learning as it happens and we hope that you and your child will visit often and add your own comments to extend our learning and motivate us to continue to ask questions and explore topics.

Please read the Visitor Etiquette link carefully so that we all blog courteously and safely.

Thank you and enjoy!

:) Mrs. Drew and Mrs. Keturakis