Thursday, 20 November 2014

Daily 5

Daily 5 is a large part of our Language Arts program.  Our students have quickly learned how to make good use of their time to work on 5 activities.  You may have heard them talk about one of the five activities:
- Read to Self
- Read to Someone
- Word Work
- Work on Writing
- Listen to Reading
Now that they have become independent at these for short periods, they will be able to choose which activity they work on each day but will be monitored to be sure that all are covered over the course of 6 days.
While the students are independently working, the teacher is listening and teaching reading strategies to small groups or individual students.
We invite parents to volunteer to help us during these morning activities.  Feel free, even if just once, to sign up to come join us and help us become better readers and writers.

Sunday, 9 November 2014


In Grade One social and emotional development is a substantial part of our curriculum.  We learn about how to recognize and regulate our own emotions and how to interact with others effectively. 
We began the year in our classroom by introducing the 5 Parts to being an engaged listener. We need to be sitting still, with eyes on the speaker and ears open, mouth closed and brain engaged. For many five, six and seven-year olds this takes time and much practice (especially the sitting still piece!). We have also been working on focussing on our work in the classroom while blocking out distractions around us. When social conflicts occur, we have  discussed appropriate ways to solve problems with others. We will continue to review, discuss and role-play ways to solve problems throughout the year as this is also a skill that takes practice.

This past week we introduced the MindUP  program to our students.  MindUp is a series of lessons designed to teach students how to identify and regulate their own emotions and behaviours and be mindful of their attention and focus.  To learn more about the program visit: 

Or for a video visit this link: The MindUP Program

Our lessons to date have introduced our brain as having many important functions.  We have learned about three that have very important functions to prepare us for learning. The prefrontal cortex helps us make good choices. The amygdala is our security guard. The hippo campus is the brain's memory maker.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Pumpkin Math

This week we estimated the circumference of Mrs. K's pumpkin and measured it.  We also scooped out all the seeds.  After a good discussion about why we wouldn't be able to count the seeds in the tub they had been dried in, the students decided it would be best to count the seeds into groups of 10.  First they estimated the number of seeds and then the work began.  The students glued each group of 10 onto card.  They were quick to revise their estimates once we started counting the 10's-excellent!