Today our school celebrated Chinese New Year with an amazing assembly and homemade Chinese dumplings, thanks to a very generous and hard-working group of parents and some talented students. Thank you all!
The Kindergarten students kicked off the celebration with the dragon dance. Well done, K's!
We also enjoyed listening to a few young Chantrell Creek musicians. Kim played violin, Lucas played his cello, Colin played an authentic Chinese flute and one of our intermediates demonstrated a traditional Chinese stringed instrument called a Gu Zheng.
A very well-practiced group of grade three girls demonstrated a dance. They wore beautiful costumes and held paper lanterns.
Some of our grade 7 girls and a few Moms participated in a stunningly elegant fashion show. They were wearing authentic Chinese "dresses" provided by another of our parents. A very impressive show!
This secretive, mysterious dancer revealed several different faces using changing masks. Quite an entertaining performance!
Toward the end a group of grade 6 boys treated the school to an entertaining and well-executed lion dance. We saw the lion's eyelashes bat at us and it's tail wag as it carefully sat on a bench - and what a beautiful lion it was!
We were even able to listen to one of our parents who is an accomplished Chinese opera singer. This was a new experience for many of us - what a spectacular performance!